Pasti sudah tahu dan hafal di luar kepala kalo mendengar lagu ini dech:

Tuhan adalah Gembalaku
Takkan kekurangan aku
Ia membaringkan aku
Di padang yang berumput hijau

Ia membimbingku ke air yang tenang
Ia menyegarkan jiwaku
Ia menuntunku di jalan yang benar
Oleh karena Nama-Nya
Sekalipun aku berjalan dalam lembah kekelaman
(Ku kan diam dalam rumah Tuhan sepanjang masa)

Aku tidak takut bahaya
Sebab Engkau besertaku
Gada-Mu dan tongkat-Mu
Itulah yang menghibur aku

Dari SD sampai sekarang, lagu ini adalah salah satu lagu yang paling gua suka, dan baru tahu sekitar jaman SMP, kalau lagu ini diambil dari ayat dalam Alkitab (Mazmur 23:1-6) he he he

Dan sekitar jaman SMA, baru nyadar kalo ternyata ayat ini sebenarnya dipakai sebagai khotbah saat seorang hamba Tuhan telah tiada, saat menonton film barat.

Ya, Tuhan tidak akan kekurangan manusia, Dia telah membuat keturunan Abraham sebanyak debu dan mungkin berkali-kali lipat dari itu. Tapi, kita hanya punya 1 Tuhan, jadi hiduplah dengan bijaksana, karena kita hanya hidup sekali dan gunakanlah itu sebaik-baiknya.

God Bless Us all :)

30 04 10

It seems the Greece God movie type is back again, there were already 2 movies have the same type of stories in this month, about Zeus and other mighty God from Greece. I only watched 1 movie, while the other one, I missed it, but I wondering to see it later.

Talking about Greece God, I want to tell a story of my own about a friend from God of Love, Cupid. After watching a korean drama series on tv yesterday, I have something in my mind, popped up while I laid down at my bed, trying to have a good sleep.

I think there are 2 kinds of Cupid, the good one and the naughty one.

Good Cupid, when they come to you, you will have an everlasting love, a true love that came at last, a happy ending love stories in your life. They will lead you to that. Hmph, lucky you and I envy those of you who have them.

While, the Naughty one, o ho ho ho, I've know them all my life, they will give an extra-ordinary kind of love, a strange love, a triangle love, a one sided love, a love affair, a hurt love. You have been blinded of love by them.

Again, when you are lucky, the Good Cupid will come and fix the mess and trouble that the Naughty one did.

So, hear hear Naughty Cupid, you must be boring to play with me, and go find someone else to play with, ooh and don't forget to send the Good Cupid to visit me and clear the mess you make, will you? please?

xixixixi, just a naughty thought from me, also

Good night, everyone, have a sweat dream

30 04 10

siapakah kami ini?

tue 27/4 (11:55 am)

Mazmur 8:4 -> Jika aku melihat langit-Mu, buatan jari-Mu, bulan dan bintang-bintang yang Kautempatkan:

Mazmur 8:5 -> apakah manusia, sehingga Engkau mengingatnya? Apakah anak manusia, sehingga Engkau mengindahkannya?

Mazmur 8:6 -> Namun Engkau telah membuatnya hampir sama seperti Allah, dan telah memahkotainya dengan kemuliaan dan hormat.

nah nahh.. gua baru tau kalo lagu yang beberapa waktu lalu jadi kesukaan gua itu ternyata liriknya diambil dari Mazmur 8 ituu..

judulnya kalo ngga salah "Tuhan mulialah"

liriknya begini..

Tuhan mulialah namaMu di bumi ini
namaMu diagungkan di bumi
kemuliaanMu di Surga mengatasi bintang
betapa mulia namaMu, Tuhan

bila kupandang ke langit
bulan dan segala bintang
ku heran Kau memperhatikanku
Kau pilih dan kasihiku
sebab itu kupuji Kau selamanya

nahh.. mirips khan? Mazmur yang ditulis Daud itu ternyata emang banyak dijadikan lirik lagu ya. sebenernya ada keuntungan nyanyi lagu yang diambil dari ayat Alkitab gini, karena selain memuji Dia, kita juga udah membaca FirmanNya, hihihi..

tinggal satu lagi yang perlu dilakukan.. yaitu melaksanakanNya ;)

gua jadi teringat akan apa yang ditulis sepupu gua.

Tuhan telah sedemikian mengasihi kita.. bagaimana kita merespon kasihNya?


tue 27/4 (12:04 pm)

sun 25/4 (8:23 am)

what do you think necessary in getting to know someone (more)?

i personally think the length of time of knowing someone ain't a guarantee that you know that person better than those who have only known this person in shorter period of time.

then.. what makes a difference?

hmm.. i think it's the willingness to open up yourself to others.

cause only by doing that, you let others see the 'real' you who might be hiding from the public eyes all these times.

the willingness to open up yourself.. and to share..

that way we get to know someone a lot better than spending time for years without sharing anything at all.

don't you think?

sun 25/4 (8:51 am)

Kejadian 1:14
Berfirmanlah Allah: "Jadilah benda-benda penerang pada cakrawala untuk memisahkan siang dari malam. Biarlah benda-benda penerang itu menjadi tanda yang menunjukkan masa-masa yang tetap dan hari-hari dan tahun-tahun,

Setiap sore menjelang malam, sudah dijadwalkan untuk mengajak kedua anjing-ku yang manis berjalan-jalan sebentar keluar rumah. Sambil berjalan,meski kadang sering menengadah ke atas melihat langit, dan sering melihat bulan dan bintang di saat langit cerah, tapi baru kali ini melihatnya sambil benar-benar menatap.

Indah yach bulan dan bintang itu, hmph.... melihatnya membuat hati jadi tenang dan damai. Rasanya kebanyakan manusia sudah mulai lupa perasaan itu. Mengingat kalo liat di tayangan berita, kejadian-kejadian yang ada semakin rusuh dan rumit saja, seperti benang kusut.

Jadi, daripada pusing memikirkan hal yang mungkin gak penting untuk dipikirin, mungkin jauh lebih baik, mengingat kembali ciptaan-ciptaan Tuhan yang indah dan enak untuk dipandang. Seperti bulan dan bintang. Kembali kepada-Nya, memikirkan-Nya, bersyukur atas kasih-Nya.

Ya, Tuhan, semua yang Kau lakukan adalah baik, untuk semua ciptaan-Mu, amin

Have a nice and blessing day, friends

23 04 10

jumat 23/4 (3:56 pm)

Yesaya 46:4 -> Sampai masa tuamu Aku tetap Dia dan sampai putih rambutmu Aku menggendong kamu. Aku telah melakukannya dan mau menanggung kamu terus; Aku mau memikul kamu dan menyelamatkan kamu.

ayat ini kalo ngga salah ada versi lagunya dhe.. begini nyanyinyaa..

bahwa Tuhan juga.. gunung batuku
bahwa Tuhan juga.. kota bentengku
bahwa Tuhan juga.. penolongkuu
yaitu Allahku dan gunung batuku

aku percaya akan Dia sang perisaiku
aku percaya akan Dia tanduk selamatku
aku percaya akan Dia perlindunganku
tempat perlindungan yang kudus

sampai masa tuamu.. Aku Yesus tetap Dia
dan sampai putih rambutmu, Aku menggendong kamu
Aku telah melakukannya dan mau menanggung kamu terus
Aku mau memikul kamu dan menyelamatkanmu

sebenernya lagunya mungkin ngga nyambung ya, hahaha.. gua baru inget kalo kaset yang gua dengerin itu versi non stop lagu puji2an.

sampai masa tua kita. sampai rambut kita memutih. Tuhan Yesus tetap tidak berubah!

Dia selalu dan selalu ada untuk kita dan akan terus menanggung kita serta menyelamatkan kita. dan ketika Tuhan sendiri yang menjanjikan hal itu maka kita dapat memegang teguh janjiNya karena hanya Dia yang tidak pernah mengingkari apa yang dijanjikanNya.

Tuhan Yesus akan tetap setia sampai rambut kita memutih. teladanilah kesetianNya dan kita juga harus tetap setia padaNya sampai dengan nanti kedatanganNya yang kedua kali.

jumat 23/4 (4:09 pm)

spending time

saturday 10/4 (11:04 pm)

i had a nice time with my friend today. we went to see movie, went to the karaoke and hunting dvds afterwards.

i've known her for 13 years this year. wow. such a long time, eh? ;)

and while we were at the foodcourt earlier today, she asked me what was my first impression on her?

haha.. seriously, i don't remember!

i mean.. come on, that was almost 13 years ago, haha :p

but all i know is.. the first thing that we had in common at that time was music.

she loved music as much as i was.

no, no.. not as in meaning of playing instruments, hahaa.. but we both enjoy music very much in our lifes. and we had quite similar taste in music.

and she has beautiful voice.

girlie, i just want you to know that i had a nice time today. thanks to you.

wish you had a nice time as well, hihi..

saturday 10/4 (11:09 pm)

friday 9/4 (2:52 am)


who wouldn't have life's problems anyway?

for as long as we shall live here on earth, we will have them, one way or another, no matter how hard we tried to avoid them, they will come our ways, when it's time.

and it's only natural, haha.. for problems are part of life anyway..

lately i guess i've been too consumed with my own problems.

so stuck that i didn't even have the desire to do things that i usually like doing. i lost interests in almost anything.

felt like my life just stopped at one point while the world was still turning around.

and it ain't a great feeling, of that i can tell :p

and then couple of days ago, i saw rainbow.

so beautiful.

and somehow it was kinda like a reminder of something that i knew but oftentimes forgot.

there's always rainbow after the rain.

but oftentimes we look at different direction so that we miss seeing it.

or maybe the rainbow is behind the thick clouds.

but it's there.. always there.

and rainbow is a sign of hope.

in times of troubles, there's always a chance for us to reveal a blessing in disguise.

good things and bad things are always take turns in our life.

no matter how hard our situation is right now..

we shall never lose our hopes.. for sometimes keeping the hopes is the only thing that will make us hang on, a little bit longer until the storm's finally over.

and there.. i guess i should start again in helping myself to cheer up a bit.

to be my own helping hand to get me out of the blues.

cause the sun will always shine. and the rain will surely pour down again.

when it's time.

there's time for everything.

there's nothing wrong in being sad. but i must remember not to get drowned in my sadness.

ahh.. time to do some variations in life.

i need my enthusiasm back.

problem is only part of life and shouldn't be the whole part of my life, right? hahaha..

okee dokee.. time to go to bed now.

happy weekend ;)

friday 9/4 (3:10 am)

And... the devil win

Sometimes, you can see many examples of good and bad side fight, well... can't say it like that, since all things happen to our life must have 2 choices, is it good or bad? just, sometimes you realize it or don't. The examples of course, is what happen in our surrounding and we can be part of it or just watch it or just hear it from others stories.

Yesterday, I happened to experience it and just realized it in the afternoon. Actually, this is even not the first time, but I think this one is a huge thing. I admit that I am not a good person, I can be good or bad sometimes. But, somehow, I realize that I can't be a very bad person, the bad thing that I've done feels like nothing compare to an expert bad person did.

A situation came up, the boss is out of town for 2 days on next week, suddenly my team work friend "x" asking whether we want to absent on the day boss out, and join her former team work friends to go out of town, a one day trip.

As usual, I don't like the idea of going anywhere, sneaking on office hour, taking a huge risk to get fired. So I said to her, no, I am not going anywhere since next week my stomach will be ache and I am not feeling want to go anywhere with it.

While my other team work friend "y" get excited to hear the idea, and cheers so loud, feels like she is winning a lottery or something. But on the same time, she feel very nervous about it, "how are we going to make it?" she asked.

Then both of them started to make lots of scenario for it. I just kept working and staring at my computer, while listening to their plans. I laughed sometimes seeing my friend "y" is like 'yes i want to go, i want to go, but how to make it perfect without problem' kind of thing in her face.

Then my friend "x" said to me that I must be think that she is nuts. I just smiled at her, well... she admit it, not me saying the words.
Then my friend "y" said she used to be a normal and sane person, until she met "x", and she get dragged by her. Well... that's her choice, right?

On my way back home, while walked to take a bus, I just realized that the situation is like I always read in a bible. You see, a devil will use everything to lure a human to follow the devil way, the wrong path, by giving the wide road with lots of light that sparkle in lots of color, accompanied with music that you love, what you do not see is at the end of that path, you will get down to the deep black hole.

While an angel will give you just bore and plain road with only candle lights to lighten up your path, the only promise an angel could give is a safe promise from God, no bad thing will happen to you at the end of the path.

I never said that an angel in this story is me, never, I am far from it, but you see, there are always 2 options given for us in everything, all you have to choose is yes or no, take it or leave it.

I want to be bad too, take a trip to some place, but I felt that it is just not right. There is time for everything, time to eat, time to work, time to play, time to drink, time to study, time to sleep, just don't mix it up in a very radical way.

My mom always says that I am a strict person, like a wire, so hard to make it wavy. I know she is right, she is always right when it comes to me.

I just hope that God will keep the candle light in my path so I can see and not fallen to that deep black hole, Amin.

Just a thought of my own.

08 04 10
blue lovers

The Mafflick Ladies

Ladies Clicks


Ladies (and Gents) in Line