Senin 28/6 (8:37 pm)

Kisah Para Rasul 10:34 -> Lalu mulailah Petrus berbicara, katanya : "Sesungguhnya aku telah mengerti, bahwa Allah tidak membedakan orang.

Kisah Para Rasul 10:35 -> Setiap orang dari bangsa manapun yang takut akan Dia dan yang mengamalkan kebenaran berkenan kepada-Nya.

Israel adalah bangsa pilihan Allah.

Namun demikian untuk bangsa lain selain Israel, bukan berarti Tuhan tidak berkenan kepada mereka karena seperti dikatakan Petrus dalam ayat 34 di atas, Allah tidak membedakan orang.

Yang dilanjutkan dengan ayat 35 bahwa mereka yang takut akan Dia dan yang mengamalkan kebenaran itu berkenan kepadaNya.

Sudahkah kita takut akan Dia dan mengamalkan kebenaranNya supaya kita turut beroleh tempat dalam kerajaanNya, walau kita bukan bangsa Israel?

Senin 28/6 (8:43 pm)

Jangan Gentar

Senin 21/6 (8:08 pm)

Ulangan 7:21 -> Janganlah gemetar karena mereka, sebab Tuhan, Allahmu, ada di tengah-tengahmu, Allah yang besar dan dahsyat.

Seringkali kita melupakan poin penting ini.. bahwa ketika Tuhan ada di pihak kita, maka seharusnya tidak ada satupun hal yang perlu kuatirkan ataupun takutkan, karena Ia adalah Allah yang dahsyat yang mempunyai kuasa untuk menundukkan segalanya dan membuat musuh bertekut lutut di hadapanNya.

Jadi, ketika rasa gemetar itu tetap datang.. mungkinkah karena kita merasa Tuhan belum ada di pihak kita?


Senin 21/6 (8:11 pm)

Allah Di Sini

Jumat 18/6 (11:54 am)

Semalam sebelon tidur, tiba2 gua teringat akan sebuah lagu, seperti biasa.. yang keinget adalah lagu lama, ahahaha..

Berhubung lampu udah dimatikan and gua malas bangun lagi dari tempat tidur untuk menyalakan, jadilah gua meraih hp and mengetik liriknya untuk kemudian gua send ke nomor gua sendiri supaya gua tetap keingat pas bangun.

And emang bener.. pas bangun gua udah lupa, wakakakak.. untunglah udah sempet dikirim ke hp :p

Nyanyii yuukk..

Allah di sini
Sepasti udara segar
Yang kuhirup
Dia sepasti fajar
Yang merekah
Setiap hari
Dengarkan doaku
Ya Allah Yang Kudus

Allah di hati
Sepasti udara segar
Yang kuhirup
Dia sepasati fajar
Yang merekah
Setiap hari
Dengarkan doaku
Ya Allah Yang Kudus

Sepertinya Tuhan mendengar doa gua yang ingin kembali merasakan hati gua bernyanyi, hehehe.. makasih ya, Tuhan. Dari semalam itu udah mulai tergerak pas dengerin sambil nyanyi lagu "Trust His Heart" yang liriknya itu begitu menyentuh!

Okee dokee.. met wiken ;)

Jumat 18/6 (12:17 pm)

"In moments like these, I sing out a song
I sing out a love song to Jesus
In moments like these, I lift up my voice
I lift up my voice to the Lord

Singing I love you, Lord
Singing I love you, Lord
Singing I love you, Lord
I love you"

I don't know why, while sitting on a bus, on the way to the office, this song is playing in my head, but the lyrics is different from the real one above ha ha ha.

Try to sing it with all your heart and like you are a diva performing on stage, you will get tears in your eyes all of a sudden

God Bless Us All

18 06 10

Movies and Novels

I loves watching movies and reading novels. Why? hmph because for me, there is a personal excitement in doing both hobbies.

Movies and novels are created from human fantasies and imaginations. I admires the writers, how can they get inspired from little or big thing in their life or other people life or even from the environment around them? and from there, they can widen the thing and pour them into words and letters, and it became scripts for movie or novel.

But sometimes, both can be related, some movies are based from best-seller novels.

The excitement in watching movies are:

  • I feel like I am experiencing along while the movie is rolling on in front of me
  • The characters in the movie are played by excellent actors and actress (of course, I don't want to miss staring at handsome actors :D )
  • The story line sometimes beyond the extraordinary and incredible amazing, and it makes me to believe that life in this world sometimes can be like that too. After watching it, I feel like my battery had been charge and my mood goes up to the hilt :)
  • I believe that there is always a lesson (or two) we can get after watching a movie. There is a message from the writer hidden inside a movie.

While, the excitement in reading novels are quite the same with watching movies, but it gives me more excitement since the characters in the novel are determine by our own mind or imagination, and more good news is I can be the main characters if I want to.

My imagination rolling on while I turn page by page, following the story line with wonder how it will end. And when I get too deep in my imagination, sometimes I have my own ending scene in my mind or I may continuing the story because I feel the story is so good and can't wait to rolling the sequel of it :P

I admit that it need a talent to creating good movie and novel, because I can not use my own fantasies and imaginations to creating my own movie and novel, I had tried writing a novel, but I can not make a link from chapter to chapter, then it become a mess up novel he he he. Besides, it require wide knowledge to make them, while I can't say I have that.

Well, all my thumbs are up for all script writers and novelists out there, keep making movies and writing novel books. I am looking forward to it.


17 06 10


friday 11/6 (3:48 pm)

Yakobus 4:3 -> Atau kamu berdoa juga, tetapi kamu tidak menerima apa-apa, karena kamu salah berdoa, sebab yang kamu minta itu hendak kamu habiskan untuk memuaskan hawa napsumu?

huehehehe.. kalimat ini jadi menyentil dhe aww..

jangan2 itu ya kenapa beberapa doa gua itu belon juga dikabulkan, karena alasan memintanya aja udah ngga benar, jadi kalo diberikan maka gua akan melakukan perbuatan yang ngga benar donks, ahahaha..

*menghibur karena masih ada doa2 yang belon terjawab :p*

doa itu juga ternyata ada doa yang benar dan doa yang salah ya.

jadi keinget ama film bruce almighty yang dibintangi jim carrey yang mana saking pusingnya karena harus menjawab doa satu per satu, akhirnya si jim carrey mengabulkan semua permohonan doa tanpa merasa perlu untuk mengeceknya satu per satu.

dan hasilnya?

kekacauan dan kerusuhan, man!

karena ternyata banyak yang berdoa supaya menang lotre and akhirnya mereka semua memang menang, tapi masalahnya kalo kelewat banyak yang menang maka so pasti hadiah yang didapatkan ituu.. jumlahnya kecil, ahahaha :p

so, you see.. walau mungkin pada saat mengalami doa yang ngga dikabulkan itu kita merasa sedih and kecewa, terkadang yaa.. itu memang hal terbaik untuk kita, karena mungkin aja khan apa yang kita doakan itu hanya akan membawa kesengsaraan buat kita? ;)

have faith.. Tuhan akan memberikan yang terbaik bagi anak2Nya.

soal penundaan ataupun jawaban 'tidak' atas doa? mustinya sih ngga jadi masalah, karena khan kita tau Dia akan menjadikan semuanya indah pada waktuNya ;)

friday 11/6 (3:53 pm)

Just a little naughty thought of mine, maybe, because of too much seeing many movies, drama series, and song lyrics :P

Let us begin to imagine, shall we?

Think of Disneyland as your world, where inside of it are stages of your life.

Your mom and dad deliver you to the entry gate, when you pass the gate, that is when you are born.

You are so happy, you walk slowly to the first arena, the merry go-round, times when you are just a little kid, worry about none, just playing everyday.

Then it stop, you move on to the next arena, the bom bom car, times when you are older, start to know how to be a naughty kid, bump into other people, times to learn new things and gain lesson.

Then again, it stop, you have to move on to the next arena, the upside-down house, the ferris wheel, the tornado, the ghost house, and so on and so on, so many arenas or you can say stages in there.

And then, while you are walking to the next arena, an Old Man approaching to you, and say "okay, your time is up, it is time to go home, you have to exit the Disneyland right now" He reach and hold your hand, then guide you to the exit gate. That is your life end.

From this imagination, there is a question left, have you ever think about when?

I know, I know, one thing for sure, in reality, we will never know that, it is a secret of life, and only One who knows about it. (I make it bold, to make sure, that i am just imagining this, and it is only a thought, seriously, just a thought, no intention attached)

But while we are still imagining here, when do you think?

When you want the Old Man to come and walk you through the exit gate?

  • Is it right now?
  • Is it after you have enter the last arena in that Disneyland?
  • or is it after you have enter certain arena that you want or love the most in that Disneyland?
Can we beg for a penalty time for taking one or two arena ahead before it?

My very thoughtful friend once asked me about "when the time come, are you ready?" and I said "Ready or not, let it happen"

But, that is only a theory, I don't know for sure when the time come, what will I feel and react about it?

For sure, let us not wasting our time when we are inside the Disneyland, let us experience many good things, learn to be a good person everyday, a better person, a person that will make the Old Man smile at us when He come to us.

Sorry, for keep making You down about me, I tried not to repeat the same mistakes again.

God Bless Us All

04 06 10

God will make a way

God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we can not see
He will make a way for me

He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way

By a roadway in the wilderness
He'll lead me
and rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His word will still remain
He will do something new today

Please keep make a way for me, will you, Father?
Help me through this road until the end
No matter how long or how short my road is, at least, keep make me brighter every day
I do not want the brightest, just brighter enough to pass the days


02 06 10

The Mafflick Ladies

Ladies Clicks


Ladies (and Gents) in Line