Look A-Like Me

As a normal woman, I always dream about love life in my mind. One fantasy that could be one of my favorite is the Look A-Like Me episode, hi hi hi

I am dreaming that there is another woman whose face is look just like me, well not the twin kind of look, but mostly similar. This woman lived overseas, and lucky for her, she has a boyfriend or fiance or even a husband that love and adore her so much. But, then, somehow, a bad fate make him unable to have her.

Then, somehow, another fate twisted, he meet me on the road way and feel like he see his ex-girl. He come closer to me and call a name, I turn around and look at him, then said "Sorry, wrong person here", but after that, we became friend, and getting closer to each other......

Well, that is all, my fantasies always do not have an end, even it has, there will be a remove and revise action for the ending part, it might has many alternate ending :P. But, mostly the ending part is the unhappy one, why? I don't know for sure, maybe I have not got a chance to experience them ha ha ha

Well, good thing is I still can dream than can't dream at all.

Have a good day, everyone.


21 07 10